What Is Law?

Law is a system of rules that governs the behaviour of members of a society. It consists of the codes and regulations that define what is considered to be ethical, moral or simply good. Law also includes the legal system of justice and how disputes are settled. Law is an essential element of human society and is a fundamental part of the study of politics, economics, philosophy and ethics.

Generally, definitions of law include the concepts that it is socially controlled, coercive and has its origin in the concept of property. Some philosophers, such as Roscoe Pound have taken the view that law primarily satisfies social needs and therefore should be defined as a tool of social engineering.

Other definitions of law include John Austin’s utilitarian view that law consists of “commands, backed by the threat of sanctions, from a sovereign to men as his political subjects”. Natural lawyers, like Jean Jacques Rousseau, believe that law should reflect innate moral laws.

The study of Law encompasses a large variety of areas, from criminal and labour laws to family and employment law. It can also be concerned with the legal system of a country and issues of international law. Other branches of law include corporate law, which deals with the regulation of corporations and how they are structured, and environmental law. It is also important to consider constitutional and administrative law, which deal with the way a government functions.

For example, contract law concerns the agreements between individuals to exchange goods or services. It is regulated by statute and enforced through courts of justice. Employment law and immigration are other important aspects of law.

Another area of law is intellectual property, which covers everything from copyright and patents to trademarks. Intellectual property can be very valuable, and therefore it is well protected under the law. This is why it is important for people to understand intellectual property rights.

The field of law is a vast one, and many books have been written on it. Many scholars have contributed to the field of Law and a number of major journals exist. Membership of a prestigious law journal is an important aspect of a legal education, and it can have an effect on the type of work a person will be hired for after law school.